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Tips for Preparing for Back-to-School

Carol Holmes

What is the one thing that all the retail giants and small town stores have in common this time of year? They’ve started their “Back-to-School” promotions with not only the basics but also every kind of supply your child might need (or want) for school.

The truth of the matter is that there is a lot more to getting your child off to a great start in school each year besides filling up their new backpacks with supplies. Community contributor, Emma Roper, shares her thoughts on this topic from the perspective of a first-grade teacher.

Whether you can hardly wait to send the kids back to school or are dreading the change in the summertime routine, implementing a few simple strategies can really help your child and family transition successfully from the lazy days of summer to the hectic demands that come with the start of a new school year.

Need some additional help with this season of transition? Here are some additional resources that might come in handy. Click each link to learn more...


Nony (Dana K White) from shares reality-based cleaning and organizing tips based on her own deslobification process. As she finds ways to keep her own home under control and combat "Slob Vision," she shares cleaning, decluttering, and organizing strategies that work in real life. And she's funny.

Today, we’re sharing Episode 374: Making Decluttering Part of Every Day Life. During this exceptionally busy time of year, finding time to keep everything organized can be extra difficult and result in unnecessary stress and chaos. Dana, and her friend Emma, share how to fit decluttering and maintenance cleaning into busy schedules. As a bonus, Emma has even implemented some of these routines in her classroom. Pay close attention teachers and parents-as-teachers!

We hope you enjoy this podcast and find it helpful!


The stress of this season can often leave us tired and grumpy. If you get a little less-than-gracious with the checkout clerk at the store or your kids after they’ve asked for the 53rd time for that item they feel they “just can’t live without,” you’re not alone. Sometimes, good can come from it. Such an instance prompted the writing of the beloved hymn, “Just As I Am.” Click below to read the story of the hymn.


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