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"Lost in Translation": Workshop Recap & Replay

Sarah Holt

2023 WWWG Speaker, Tiffany Malone, continued her discussion on how we can better reach the next generation during her workshop, entitled "Lost in Translation," the first Saturday of this month. Her unique perspective on this subject matter, drawing parallels of how Jesus connected with the woman at the well in John 4 to the ways in which we need to meet and connect with the next generation, was incredibly insightful and helpful. Here are just a few highlights:

  • We are warring with the "Spirit of the Age" for the souls of our children, and that spirit is a liar!

  • What Christ has to offer is what everyone wants, even if they don't yet know they want it. Everyone has a "God-hole" by design and only He can fill it.

  • Christ broke with cultural norms and traditions to meet the woman at the well, and we may have to do the same to reach the next generation.

  • We must give our next generation Jesus - an encounter with him is what changed the woman at the well and what will change them, too.

  • We need to show that Jesus is the answer to the questions and problems they face; not traditions or expectations. ONLY Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

There were so many more amazing thoughts shared by Tiffany through the lens of the story of the woman at the well. And, we enjoyed a fabulous question and answer period with Tiffany as well. We know many were unable to join due to the holiday weekend, so we're making the full replay of the event available for you to rewatch on our YouTube channel. We hope you enjoy this workshop as much as we did!


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Women Walking with God provides women a means of spiritual growth and guidance while drawing closer to God and one another.

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